Bigger and Better Chatterbox Boise Clinic Coming Soon!

We can't wait to show you around our new, bigger and better Boise office! First, not to worry, it is as close as can be to our current Boise location! Second, we'll be moving this summer. We will let you know our move-in date and provide reminders so that we don't miss an opportunity to see you.

You'll find the new Chatterbox Boise clinic just 1 mile from our current location on Emerald Street, and situated conveniently near Target at the intersection of Benjamin and Emerald. Our newly renovated office will feature a more spacious family friendly waiting room (that we can't wait to utilize when we're out of the woods of the COVID-19 pandemic), therapy rooms that are more client-centered, more specialized spaces for feeding and group therapy, as well as plenty of open area for our clients to practice their gross motor skills or collaborate in small groups.  Extra space, means room for new disciplines— we are thrilled that physical therapy will be available at the new Boise clinic!

Chatterbox Boise Clinic’s New Address:

8620 Emerald St. Ste. 100

Boise, Idaho 83704