What is torticollis?

You may notice torticollis in your infant if his head is tilting one direction, or he prefers looking only one direction. Torticollis is caused by a shortening of the tightened muscles on one side of the neck, which leaves your baby’s head at a tilt or rotation. Torticollis is common, affecting around 3 in 100 babies, and is easily treated in Physical Therapy.

If you notice your baby’s head tilting in one direction, or any of the following indicators, call us for an evaluation from one of our pediatric Physical Therapists.

  • Head tilts or rotates to one side

  • Limited range of motion in head and neck

  • Asymmetry in your baby’s head and face (flattening on one side of the head)

  • Breastfed babies may prefer feeding from one breast over the other

  • A small, soft lump in your infant’s neck

  • The most commonly noticed symptom is plagiocephaly, or a flat spot appearing behind one ear and on the side the child likes to look toward