Homework Problem

Homework Problem: Missing Homework Supplies

It’s hard enough for struggling students to start their daily homework.

But when you finally get them seated, get them focused, and get their assignments out of the backpack and ready to begin,

You discover that you’re missing some vital supply item needed to complete that day’s assignment.

It’s like starting all over again. Go get the item, get the kid seated again, get the attention focused.

How many times has this happened?

Not having ALL the proper supplies is just another frustrating delay in getting homework started. DON’T let this contribute to the struggles.


Homework Solution: Found Them!

Here is a 3-step process to fix this problem forever.

Step 1 – Make a chart of all supply items you might ever need for assignments

Below you’ll find a list of items. Copy and paste it into a new document. Add any additional items you can think of. Once you’ve got the list, space out the items onto one sheet, print it and then take it to be laminated.

Step 2 – Buy a bin, case, or other container to keep all the items in.

A quick visit to your local craft or office supply store will provide you with a container that will easily hold all of the supplies your learner needs to more easily do their homework. Easy places to load up on supplies are Staples, Office Depot, Office Max, Target, Kmart or Walmart.

Now go buy all of these items and put them into your container. Oh, make SURE you buy a dry erase marker. We’ll use it in step 3.

Because students learn in different environments, this supply box can be transported from site to site as the students’ needs dictate.

Step 3 – Each week, grab your laminated list and take inventory.

Use the dry erase marker to circle or check any item that you need to replenish. Then pick up the items before you completely run out.

There is nothing as frustrating as just wanting to get the homework done, but a simple supply item isn’t available. Save yourself the grief and take care of this “pest” once and for all!

Here is a list of supplies to get you started. Add any others you can think of and then put your laminated list with your supplies. You’ll be REALLY glad you took the time to do this!

___ 8.5 x 11″ lined paper
___ markers
___ crayons
___ highlighters
___ colored pencils
___ sharpened pencils
___ pencil sharpener
___ dry erase marker
___ dictionary
___ thesaurus
___ atlas
___ construction paper
___ index cards
___ blank paper
___ self-stick notes
___ hole punch
___ scissors
___ stapler/staples
___ a calculator
___ ruler
___ tape
___ an eraser
___ white out